Admission Process

  • Admission is open from the first week of March. Application for admission should be made in the prescribed forms obtained from the School Office.
  • The minimum age required for admission to class I is six years. No one will be admitted to a particular class unless he/she is fit for the class.
  • A month's notice must be given in writing by parents or guardians before a child is withdrawn otherwise fees for the month will be charged. No Transfer Certificate will be issued until all fees due to the school are paid.
  • Transfer Certificate must be produced by all who have previously attended any school.
  • Honesty, Cleanliness, good manners, and loyalty are demanded of each student and anyone not conforming to the ideals of the School in these matters may be asked to leave. Immorality or graves or grave insubordination or contempt of authority is always an adequate reason for dismissal.


Your kids deserve the best education

Admission Enquiry